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Custom rest access activiti database

how i m make a our rest service to get data from activiti database .i m deploy  the workflow and start the process according to given  rest-api in user-guide chepter-15.and get data from that but konw my requriment is make own service for own project...

skverma02 by Confirmed Champ
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Problem with activiti plugin in eclipse

hello everybody i have a big problem I have eclipse indigo and  the activiti plugin, i can do the design with the tools but when I save the model, does not appear the xml file.And another question is how I can install activiti,in the folder of the do...

banthas by Champ in-the-making
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Búsqueda por nuevos elementos no funciona hasta reinicio

Buenos díasTenemos una instalación de Alfresco 3.0 CE que funciona como repositorio de la documentación técnica que generamos en la oficina. El problema que tenemos ahora y que nos acabamos de dar cuenta, es que si realizamos una carga grande de docu...

jlabuelo by Champ on-the-rise
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Crear contenido con JAVA-API falla

Buenos díasEstoy intentando mover un contenido de un fichero TIFF a un fichero PDF siguiendo las funcionalidades que la API de JAVA de alfresco 4.2 Community ofrece.El código funciona correctamente, hasta el momento en que al tener el nodo creado del...

Investigating Alfresco as Document Management for SMB

Hi All, We are a company located on Southern Europe, expert in Document Printing Devices -like professional printers, MFPs and copiers-. As we understand that the future of our sector will move sooner or later to Document Management software, we are ...

tsalin by Champ in-the-making
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Modifier un doc en ligne à plusieurs en temps réel

Bonjour,Je souhaiterais pouvoir collaborer avec mes collègues au sein d'un document comme sous google docs : que chacun puisse contribuer au document sans avoir à le downloader, modifier puis uploader avec un nouveau numéro de version ce qui est très...

jlecoq by Champ in-the-making
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integrate Email

Hi,I managed integrate all users and user groups from LDAD/AD into Alfresco (Alfresco Community version 5.0.d running on Ubuntu). Also I got sending email (Outbound) in Alfresco working.But the user profiles in Alfresco missing the email addresses.Is...

thk by Champ on-the-rise
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How to call custom control template from share workflow form

HiI have created a custom template which I want to call it from the share-config workflow form as below ,it is not calling the custom template .Please guide ?custom template in share config as<show id="apwf:contentView" /><field id="apwf:contentView"...

skumar_us by Champ in-the-making
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processInstance variable in boundary timer

Hello everyone,I create a boundary timer on one of my userTask. and want to set the value of <timeDate> to a process variable that i created in my task listener. <timerEventDefinition>        <timeDate>${execution.getVariable('time_duration')}</timeD...

tgebeyehu by Champ in-the-making
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