Hi All, Is there any way we can count the number of times space has been opened by users. I mean i want to keep track of the number of clicks. Can we have any kind of rule or action which will serve the purpose?
When looking into the triggers for rules, there is no entry for access related things. So my guess is no, even though there's a increment counter rule, the needed trigger for such a rule is not there.
After some of the workaround i finally got the solution for this. This is what i have done 1)Overriden the Browsebean 2)Overriden the clickspace(NodeRef) Method of that bean. 3)In that method i was setting and incrementing my counter.
I prefer to make use of repositiry poilices . Check example contentHitsAspect of SDK which is very well implemented using policies. Your requirement is similar to the example of contentHitsAspect .