09-12-2012 04:38 AM
2012-9-12 15:36:06 org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer deploy
Info: Processing resource vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml
2012-9-12 15:36:06 org.activiti.engine.impl.util.xml.ParseHandler warning
[color=#FF0000]Warning: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'BPMNDI.xsd', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>.
2012-9-12 15:36:06 org.activiti.engine.impl.util.xml.ParseHandler warning
Warning: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'Semantic.xsd', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>.[/color]
2012-9-12 15:36:06 org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.parser.BpmnParse parseDefinitionsAttributes
Info: XMLSchema currently not supported as typeLanguage
2012-9-12 15:36:06 org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.parser.BpmnParse parseDefinitionsAttributes
Info: XPath currently not supported as expressionLanguage
2012-9-12 15:36:06 org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.parser.BpmnParse parseProcessDefinitions
Info: Process with id='vacationRequest' hasn't the attribute isExecutable set. Please maintain it, so you are compatible to future activiti versions.
2012-9-12 15:36:06 org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandContext close
[color=#FF0000]Critical: Error while closing command context[/color]
org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'extension' to a(n) 'element declaration' component. | vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 15 | column 70
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'rootElement' to a(n) 'element declaration' component. | vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 16 | column 72
src-resolve: [color=#FF0000]Cannot resolve the name 'bpmndi:BPMNDiagram' to a(n) 'element declaration' component. [/color]| vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 17 | column 79
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'relationship' to a(n) 'element declaration' component. | vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 18 | column 73
cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'process'. One of '{"http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL':import}' is expected. | vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 3 | column 56
cvc-elt.4.2: Cannot resolve 'tFormalExpression' to a type definition for element 'conditionExpression'. | vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 44 | column 57
cvc-elt.4.2: Cannot resolve 'tFormalExpression' to a type definition for element 'conditionExpression'. | vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 48 | column 57
cvc-elt.4.2: Cannot resolve 'tFormalExpression' to a type definition for element 'conditionExpression'. | vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 52 | column 57
cvc-elt.4.2: Cannot resolve 'tFormalExpression' to a type definition for element 'conditionExpression'. | vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml | line 55 | column 57
09-13-2012 05:30 AM
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