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Forum Posts

Change content's properties shown when browsing spaces?

Hello thereI'd like to know, whether it is posible or not to change the displayed properties for contents shown when you are browsing through spaces in Alfresco, and if it is possible, where should i change that?I've been looking through the jsp file...

Search interface

Hi thereI need to change alfresco search interface, in order to enable only the following search criterias:-By title-By date-By author(s)-By description-By a personalized fieldI've been looking inside web-client-config*.xml from this Alfresco instanc...

Replace lucene search engine of Alfresco...possible ?

Hi everyone,I'am just wondering about one question the customer ask to me which appears infeasible for me at first glance…but I just ask here.My customer is using "IDOL  from Autonomy search engine" where as Alfresco is using "Lucene search engine".D...

zomurn by Champ in-the-making
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Use search.luceneSearch to search for files

Hi,I am working with Enterprise edition 3.1I am working with webscript examples. I got a webscript example(whitepaper) at the following link: have a space named Someco...

Error on POST document

Hey,I want to POST the following to Alfresco over CMIS and get this:1101014 TypeError: Cannot read property "nativeValue" from null (file:C:/Alfresco/tmcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresc/cmis/

flosk8 by Champ in-the-making
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Problemas con las búsquedas Lucene

Hola!Tengo una vista personalizada que realiza la siguiente búsqueda lucene:   <#assign misDocsProcesados = child.childrenByLuceneSearch["TYPE:\"dm:docu\" AND  @dm\\:resp:${usuario} "]>‍donde usuario es el usuario actual de la aplicación.Tengo estos ...

Erro em pesquisas lucene

Boa Tarde,Tenho tido alguns problemas com este tipo de pesquisa; quando o objecto da mesma, na sua designação tem espaços em branco, a pesquisa não retorna resultados (node browser). Pelo que já pude investigar, isto tem a ver com o encoding ISO 9075...

jcardoso by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco CE 3.3 und Kerberos Authentifizierung gegen AD

Hiich versuche z.Z. ein Alfresco 3.3 CE mit Single-Sign-On via Kerberos gegen eine Active-Directory. Ich bin 1 zu 1 dieser Anleitung gefolgt: ha...

dfuellgraf by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu] Petits constats sur la future 3.3 d'Alfresco

BonjourQuelques constat sur mes tests effectués sur la version nightly d'Alfresco du 01/04/2009 disponible à cette adresse.‍J'ai effectué mes tests sur une version linux mandriva 2010.0 en utilisant tomc...

jeanjot by Confirmed Champ
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XML Metadata auslesen und in Suche bereitstellen

Hallo Liebe ForenmitgliederIch habe eine Frage bezüglich Alfresco und XML- Metadata.Ich möchte Alfresco als Archivlösung für PDF und XML- Dateien einsetzen. Dies ist bis jetzt mit Volltextsuche ohne grosse Probleme lösbar. Dazu muss aber jetzt noch d...