I should like to know if you have made some investigations on facelets now.
I'm working on a project where we needs to rewritte a big part of the alfresco web client side
(You are not WAI compliant: For information: this is normally an obligation (law) for products that used by administration in Europe - Actually very less web application hosted by Europe and State Members are compliant but a special "political effort" is asked for new projects - Alfreco should take it in account for future release if they don't want to close "European administration market").
I'm currently investigating how to completly rewritte the "non administrative part" of Alfresco web client.
Actually I plan to use facelets to do that… but I should like to know if "Alfresco" tried it already: Is there any technicals reasons to not use Facelets? at all?
BTW, I discover a "big" problem:
To be WAI compliant, I needs to desactivate the JAVASCRIPT support of JSF (in web.xml). But when I do that, it is not possible to browse the repository anymore. –> I should like to continue to use the originals pages for administration of alfresco… But if I can't to use it without Javascript, I have a big problem: One think is to rewrite "the client side" another is to rewrite the admin side as well !!!
May I hope Alfresco will correct that point?