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External URL link to space

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
   I'm trying to create a link from another web app to a space in Alfresco. However this is working erratically (it seems!). When I have not logged in to Alfresco and select the link it shows the users default space (after login) rather than the one specified in the link.
But if I shutdown the browser without logging out the next time I select the link it works fine!
Any ideas? I'm using version 1.1.2.

Sample link: http://localhost/alfresco/navigate/browse/workspace/SpacesStore/93a82af9-f7d4-11da-a4e3-43351c30be0d

BTW linking to an individual document works fine but I don't want to have to maintain a list of documents in the space.
Thanks in advance,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Per the Tutorial (page 4):

"When we have finished using Alfresco, we can just close the browser window without logging out. The next time you go to Alfresco, you will automatically go straight to the login page. If you click ?Logout? in the toolbar and then close the browser window, you will be taken to the Guest Home the next time you access Alfresco."

I think this may have something to do with why it works sometimes and not others.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi ShawnyM,
    Thanks for the reply. Yeah it sounds similar but the thing is that at the moment I don't have a reliable way to link to a space from an external site! Does anyone know if this problem/feature is different/fixed in the latest version?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We are having a similar problem and wondered if anybody has solved this yet.

We can provide a URL to a space by copying the external URL link (found on the space details page) but it unfortunately only seems to open the space details page when tested not the space itself as we had wanted.

Just to re-iterate we want to provide a URL link to a space and not necessarily its contents.

Can anybody help

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
As well as Details page access, External URLs also support this form:


so instead of 'showSpaceDetails' you use the 'browse' command instead. So you can build URLs that navigate directly to a specific space.

Hope this helps,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Kevin,
The browse command is the one I used in the original post. Howver this still yields the behaviour I described. Do you have any ideas on this?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Oops my mistake. Do you mean to show the details page for the space then?

If so you can use the 'showSpaceDetails' command:

If not then i'm not sure exactly what you want to do? Can you explain again for me?



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Kevin,
What I want to do is link to a space from an external website. The browse command will do this for us but seems to behave eratically:
"When I have not logged in to Alfresco and select the link it shows the users default space (after login) rather than the one specified in the link.
But if I shutdown the browser without logging out the next time I select the link it works fine!".
I'm not concerned with the user having to log in but need the correct space to always be shown regardless of the status of the session or previous session (I'm assuming that session management has something to do with the issue!).
Thanks for your help,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Ok i think i understand now. You can use the "guest=true" URL argument to stop the login issue. We are using browser cookies to remember the last logged in usename, which is why you are seeing the "works sometimes" issue - as when you close/open the browse again after logout the cookie has been cleared.

If you build your URL thus:

Then the login page will NEVER be shown if you make sure the Guest user has access to the space you are showing. You should 'invite' the Guest user to the space using the Mange Space Users action.

