09-01-2015 01:53 PM
<id>Create Site Extension</id>
12-14-2016 09:01 AM
I got asked to look into this thread and have done some debugging into it and it would seem that there is a bug in the way in which extension controller paths are looked up. Essentially what is happening is that Surf is looking for extension scripts with the name create-site.post.js and not create-site.post.json.js (note the missing .json).
The workaround to this problem is just to create your extension as create-site.post.js and that should then get processed.
09-02-2015 12:29 PM
09-03-2015 12:23 AM
09-03-2015 03:22 AM
09-03-2015 12:35 PM
09-03-2015 03:50 PM
. It will help to find out this problem.
09-03-2015 04:38 PM
09-03-2015 05:38 PM
<id>Test Module</id>
id: "site-test",
name: "TEST"
<id>Test Module</id>
function deleteDashboard(type, id)
var connector = remote.connect("alfresco");
for (var col = 1; col < 5; col++)
for (var row = 1; row < 6; row++)
connector.del("/remoteadm/delete/s/sitestore/alfresco/site-data/components/page.component-" + col + "-" + row + "." + type + "~" + id + "~dashboard.xml");
connector.del("/remoteadm/delete/s/sitestore/alfresco/site-data/pages/" + type + "/" + id + "/dashboard.xml");
return status.STATUS_OK;
function test()
deleteDashboard("site", "good-site");
09-04-2015 01:27 AM
12-14-2016 09:01 AM
I got asked to look into this thread and have done some debugging into it and it would seem that there is a bug in the way in which extension controller paths are looked up. Essentially what is happening is that Surf is looking for extension scripts with the name create-site.post.js and not create-site.post.json.js (note the missing .json).
The workaround to this problem is just to create your extension as create-site.post.js and that should then get processed.
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