I also have a very similar requirement as you have explained in this case. I am trying to add a custom VariableType to the Process Engine Configuration. I use spring boot activiti v5.19.0. My process definitions heavily use Activiti Camel Endpoints. So that is also included in my maven dependency. Spring Boot initializes the process engine with all the default configuration.
I have created a BeanPostProcessor as you have mentioned to get hold of SpringProcessEngineConfiguration, which should be the bean created to initialize the Process Engine. Even though my postProcessBeforeInitialization() method is called for all beans, it is never called for SpringProcessEngineConfiguration bean. Hence I am unable to add a PreCustomVariableType to the engine configuration.
Any info on what could be the reason why the BeanPostProcessor is not called for SpringProcessEngineConfiguration (or) any alternate way for adding a PreCustomVariableType to engine configuration would be really helpful.