Hi Joram,
Can you also check if Activiti has any encryption functionality either contained in the product or calls encryption in another product/library (such as an operating sytem or JRE)?
Specifically, our legal team is asking the following questions:
1. Does the software include functionality, or call on functionality in another product (such as an operating system or JRE), to secure (i) any passwords, (ii) data for transmission or (iii) data for storage? For this question and all others, specify if the functionality is included in the product or if the functionality is accomplished by calling to functionality in another product.
2. Does the software convert or transform data by using any method, including hashing, compression, or fixed encoding functionality contained either in the software or in another product?
3. Does the software make use of any key management/public key infrastructure?
4. Does the software call for HTTPS, TCP or other secure connection?
5. Does the software include any other encryption/decryption functionality (either contained in the software or by making calls to another product?