hello..can someone please help me about this problem…
"Failed to approve the document due to system error: Node does not exist: workspace://SpacesStore/b83a3799-343b-11dc-854f-4589fcbb1f95"
the document which i want to approve is still there..i can edit, download, delete, etc. The destination space is same…i mean still exist and i can access it….
Which workflow are you using? Just if it is the Lifecycle approve and review workflow, remind that this updates the wfl:status field of the document. Then the reviewer must have at least the editor role on the content. Otherwise, you will get a "not speacking" error as you had. Unfortunately I don't remember If if it the same I had.
I used the simple workflow where the action only approve and reject and head to single destination… Error that I have, isn't came from permission access cos that error still exist event when i log in as administrator..
When i delete the destination folder and then i recreate it (i also recreate the approval rules in source folder), it works again…but it only work for the new document that i put in it (source folder)…the same error is still there when i try to approve the old document in source folder…