03-27-2023 02:47 AM
i have created simple approve, reject workflow for folder. But workflow options are also visible to users who has consumer access for folder.
i want to show approve and reject options only for users who has manager access.
is there any solution for same ?
03-28-2023 04:28 AM
Have you created approve/reject custom actions?
If yen then you need to use evaluator which will decide who can access that action.
03-31-2023 02:44 AM
i have added simple workflow into my rule.
when douments enters into folder, reviewer will get the email notification and approve and reject option also.
but that approve and reject option is visible to all users who has permissions for same folder.
03-31-2023 03:02 AM
You have to override the evaluators for the accept and reject buttons defined in the Document Library component of Alfresco Share, so it's something related to the user interface.
Take a look at the extension points for this purpose here:
Hope this helps.
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