01-23-2009 04:38 PM
01-23-2009 06:20 PM
01-24-2009 08:14 AM
Forgive me for saying so, but more than half your post seems irrelevant to the issue, which could be summarized as:
Microsoft suggested workaround in KB888123 for WebDAV client issue on WinXP x64 doesn't work.
In any case, I'd suggest installing Fiddler2 or WireShark on the client to get a network trace and try to see what's going on - i.e. compare the working case to the Microsoft buggy case.
01-24-2009 02:21 PM
01-26-2009 08:32 AM
It was the opening paragraph that wasn't making sense - thanks for clearing it up.
It sounds like there's a common configuration issue plaguing your particular set-up. It would be great to get to the bottom of it, but it sounds like you're rather limited in experimenting with changing client settings due to the group policies in place. Is there no way you can set-up another PC or Virtual Machine with which you can try turning down the policy restrictions?
01-26-2009 05:07 PM
01-27-2009 04:18 PM
I am working with port 80 + 8080, OpenSuse 10.3 and Java 1.5.0_15, but other than that, my setup is similar. I had problems initially due to name resolution problems. Once I knew about that one, all worked quite well.
There was however the on and off situation that I have to enter the password 4-5 times on initial connection (not in recent times, though)
Can you get other webdav connections outside ? Webdav is on HTTP, so if you have internet access, you can try the alfresco demo installation, if needs be.
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