Using 3.3g CE, getting an error when listing the contents of a few share sites' documentLibrary folders (and underneath)… "An error occurred whilst generating the directory listing, please contact the system administrator" on the generated web-page. It is not able to list the entire contents of the folder in question. This has happened on several different folders within a site. The alfresco.log posts an error msg at the same time: 21:01:58,144 ERROR [org.alfresco.webdav.protocol] java.lang.NullPointerException
This seems to be related to Excel/XLS files, for some reason. If I delete (from Alfresco) the XLS files, it works fine. Adding them back in to the Site, it still works. So something related to the upgrade perhaps (this is a 3.2 site upgraded to 3.3g)? Not sure what to think but at least can pin it down to a file-type, and not Alfresco/webdav implementation as a whole….