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Error in servicerun.bat script

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello all,

I cannot stop Alfresco Community 4.2.e (Windows) properly using the supplied \Alfresco\servicerun.bat.  That batchfile calls some other scripts which stop services.  The short of it is that the Windows command

net stop alfrescoTomcat

is called and then the postgres service is stopped very quickly afterwards with the Windows command

net stop alfrescoPostgreSQL

This would be okay but PostgreSQL is quitting too quickly.  When SOLR tries to disengage (a rollback) PostgreSQL is already gone!  I get a DB error and Tomcat never quits.  The Windows Service panel perpetually says that alfrescoTomcat is "stopping".

Also, my Alfresco installation set up a "DependOnService" registry entry from Tomcat to PostgreSQL.  The result is that when PostgreSQL tries to quit, the system halts things because Tomcat is still running.  And then it won't go any further unless someone is on hand to answer a query about it on the command line.

Is this happening elsewhere?  Should I re-write the batchfiles somehow?  Any suggestions?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Okay, I did not get any bites on this one, so I'm going to try editing the batch files myself and toss in some wait times, probably 180 seconds at first, after stopping Tomcat and before stopping Postgresql.

I'll try to let you all know how it goes.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I wrote my own service manager in Ruby.  Still can't stop Tomcat successfully.  The problem is with SOLR.  It just isn't stopping (sometimes).  Even if I ask the Tomcat Service to stop, it just keeps running with SOLR.  Then SOLR errors out and nothing else quits.

I've moved this question over to the REPOSITORY SERVICES forum.