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Error getting constraint values from lucene search

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all.

I'm using a lucene search query to find documents(pdf files) with some specific properties (Including the dropdown constraints).
I get the documents but when I try to find documents with some specific constraint( like "Dog type") this propertie is not searched but the rest of the query is searched. I also change the " " (white space) with "_x0020_" explained in but I have the same result (propertie not searched).

This is the lucene search that doesn't work with the constraint:

@dig\:Type:"Dog type" @\{http\://\}content.mimetype:application/pdf + @dig\:CIF:B70099973 + @dig\:Date_in:[2014\-01\-01T00:00:00 TO 2014-09-05T00:00:00]

And this is my model:

      <constraint name="dig:listType" type="LIST">
         <parameter name="allowedValues">
               <value>Dog type</value>
               <value>Cat type</value>
               <value>Horse type</value>
               <value>Other type</value>
         <!– <parameter name="caseSensitive">
         </parameter> –>
      <constraint name="dig:listSubtype" type="LIST">
         <parameter name="allowedValues">
         <!– <parameter name="caseSensitive">
         </parameter> –>

      <type name="dig:Doc_Animal">
         <title>Animals Document</title>
            <property name="dig:Name">
            <property name="dig:CIF">
                <title>CIF Client</title>
            <property name="dig:Date_in">
            <property name="dig:Type">
               <title>Document Type</title>
                  <constraint ref="dig:listType"/>
            <property name="dig:Subtype">
               <title>Document Subtype</title>
                  <constraint ref="dig:listSubtype"/>
            <property name="dig:Num">
               <title>Document Number</title>
            <property name="dig:Description">

Anyone know how I fix this?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
First try this query.

@dig\:Type:"Dog type" AND @cm\:mimetype:"application/pdf" AND @dig\:CIF:"B70099973"

Then you need to ractify your Date Query part.
To get idea on date search check out this post

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for your help!!

I forgot the "+" between the two clauses. I use "+" instead of "AND" and now all works fine.
And my date query its OK.

Thanks a lot.