I have Alfresco Community 2.1 installed on a remote JBoss server, and the Tomcat virtual server is installed on that same server. The "Preview Website" feature is working fine, but I still get an error message that prints in the server.log about every 5 seconds that says:
Could not connect to virtualization server: service:jmx:rmi://ignored/jndi/rmi://10-1-15-246.ip.alfrescodemo.net:50501/alfresco/jmxrmi
The avm.remote.host property in $VIRTUAL_TOMCAT_HOME/conf/alfresco-shared.properties is set to localhost and the alfresco.virtserver.domain property in $VIRTUAL_TOMCAT_HOME/conf/alfresco-virtserver.properties is set to 10-1-15-246.ip.alfrescodemo.net.
Does anyone know why I'm getting these error messages, even though it seems to be working fine? This doesn't happen on my local installation, where I left the alfresco.virtserver.domain property set to 127-0-0-1…