I have a main process (see attached MultiInstance-with-error.bpmn20.jpg) that executes a callactivity (see attached sampleCallActiviti-error.bpmn20.jpg) with loop condition.
I have an error boundary event on called-activiti.
Called-activiti is run 3 times (loop) and has two service tasks. During first run, I am throwing BpmnError in the first service task (ThrowErrorHandler.java).
My understanding is that remaining two iteration of call-activiti should not execute once a boundary event is thrown and received (I have cancelActiviti = ""true"). However, I see that boundary event is thrown and main process's error path is taken while call activiti continue with all remaining iterations.
I observed that if I embedd call-activiti within a subprocess and cancel the subprocess on error boundary event, the call activiti STOPs.