02-26-2008 05:08 AM
RHINO USAGE WARNING: Missed Context.javaToJS() conversion:
Rhino runtime detected object Node Type: {my.model}mycustom_node, Node Aspects: [{http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0}referenceable, {http://www.alfresco.org/model/application/1.0}uifacets, {http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}auditable] of class org.alfresco.repo.jscript.ScriptNode where it expected String, Number, Boolean or Scriptable instance. Please check your code for missing Context.javaToJS() call.
Please correct the errors below then click OK.
Unable to delete Space due to system error: Failed to execute transaction-level behaviour public abstract void org.alfresco.repo.node.NodeServicePolicies$OnDeleteNodePolicy.onDeleteNode(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ChildAssociationRef,boolean) in transaction d819420f-e451-11dc-8da4-cf9713cd64b2
var scriptFailed = false;
// Have a look at the behaviour object that should have been passed
if (behaviour == null) {
logger.log("The behaviour object has not been set.");
scriptFailed = true;
// Check the name of the behaviour
if (behaviour.name == null && behaviour.name != "onCreateNode") {
logger.log("The behaviour name has not been set correctly.");
scriptFailed = true;
} else {
logger.log("Behaviour name: " + behaviour.name);
// Check the arguments
if (behaviour.args == null) {
logger.log("The args have not been set.");
scriptFailed = true;
} else {
if (behaviour.args.length == 1) {
var register= behaviour.args[0].child;
var operation = register.parent.parent;
var pipeline = operation.parent;
var children = pipeline.children;
var phase = "";
if (children != null && children.length > 0) {
for (i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.properties.name == "Fase Name") {
fase_origin= child;
if (fase_origin != "") {
logger.log("Operation moved");
02-26-2008 05:40 AM
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