11-26-2009 05:04 AM
12-03-2009 05:36 AM
2. Use (unique) IDs on faces components no matter what
I came up in the situation that I had one jsp that only contained two lines:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/repo.tld" prefix="r" %>
<r:webScript scriptUrl="/service/mwsearch" />
With just two lines to maintain, one would think it would be difficult to make mistakes… Wrong! It doesn’t matter that even the taglib documentation state that id isn’t required, because it’s simply not true. ID’s are required unless you want erratic behaviour – IllegalStateExceptions (like seen below) that occurs at random, but will definitly stop the show:
javax.faces.FacesException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Client-id : _idJsp13 is duplicated in the faces tree. Component : browse:_idJsp13, path: {Component-Path : [Class: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /jsp/browse/browse.jsp][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: browse][Class: org.alfresco.web.ui.common.component.UIPanel,Id: spaces-panel][Class: org.alfresco.web.ui.common.component.data.UIRichList,Id: spacesList][Class: org.alfresco.web.ui.common.component.data.UIColumn,Id: col1][Class: org.alfresco.web.ui.common.component.UIActionLink,Id: col1-act1][Class: javax.faces.component.UIParameter,Id: _idJsp13]}
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