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Error 404 on plugin

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi all,

I'm using a plugin named share site logo customisation which can be found here : <a href=""></a>.

The plugin is correctly installed on my Alfresco, so i can click on the "change site logo" button. However, when i'm trying to upload a new logo, it's not working.

I have a 404 mistake and the plugin can't find the webscript.

"NetworkError: 404 Introuvable -"

Alfresco    Web Script Status 404 - Not Found

The Web Script /alfresco/s/api/site-logo/site/toto has responded with a status of 404 - Not Found.

404 Description:   Requested resource is not available.

Message:   04120008 Script url /api/site-logo/site/toto does not map to a Web Script.
Exception:   org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptException - 04120008 Script url /api/site-logo/site/toto does not map to a Web Script.
Server:   Community v4.2.0 (r56674-b4848) schema 6 033
Time:   12 mai 2014 10:47:49

Could you help me please ? Smiley Happy

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Error logs is looking for Webscript with URL "api/site-logo/site" but not able to find in your code.

Can you please check that the webscript with the URL "api/site-logo/site" is available or not by navigating to this link.

<host>:<port>/alfresco/service/index and then click on "Browse by Web Script URI".


Thanks for  your answer. Effectively, I don't have any scripts with this URI Name.


However, when i go to this URL : http://localhost:8080/share/service/index and when I click on "Browse by Web Script URI", I have two scripts :


When i click on the link, the description seems to be the good one :

Change Site Logo
GET /share/page/components/site/site-logo
Description:   Change Site Logo Tool
Authentication:   none
Transaction:   none
Format Style:   any
Default Format:   html
Id:   org/alfresco/components/site/site-logo.get
Description:   classpath:alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/site/site-logo.get.desc.xml

Any ideas ?? Smiley Happy

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Up please !

Could someone help ? Thanks a lot.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
The webscript with URL "/api/site-logo/site/" is Data webscript so it should be available under /alfresco/service/index.

I have checked out the code and I show that "customise-site-logo-alfresco" folder is there and this webscript is available in this folder.

So while installation of this plugin, this webscript should be available in you code.

Can you please tell me how you have installed this module?

I juste forget to put the first jar (customise-site-logo-alfresco-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) in the lib folder.

Thanks a lot for your help Smiley Happy