Hi guys, we are using the Alfresco Repository (2.0 community edition) in our project to handle our site content.
I am running the CMS on a separate machine from the app/web server (Spring) so I needed to find a way to connect to the CMS from our application remotely.
Initially I tried the RMI connector (Jackrabbit) and it just didn't work at all. I had some threading issues which I believe have been discussed in other threads in this forum.
Because of that I decided to switch over to using the WebService connector and whoha to my great horror realized that it didn't support XPath. Well after some digging around I discovered that the XPath support was disabled in org.alfresco.repo.webservice.repository.RepositoryWebService.java and I knew that XPath was supported through the NodeBrowser so I just disabled the language check in the query method and viola, I can now use XPath to retreive my content
I tried to compile the source with eclipse to enable support to xpath but I did not manage to activate it. In practice me many errors employed by libraries and I do not know which one to use to resolve the errors. the libraries have to import to fill? Thank you.