Hello, We are developing a java desktop application and we want to embed a BPM designer that will be accesible for users. We were having a look at the user and develop guide and we install the eclipse designer plugin successfully but right now we are little bit loss… I guess the designer can not be executed without an eclipse platform, am I right? Is there a designer distribution that can be embeded into a java application? We were also thinking about another approach: include a internet browser in the application with the activity modeler….What do you think is the best solution? Thank you very much. Regards, Adrian
Right, the Activiti Designer needs the Eclipse platform. You can built a RCP application but it still has Eclipse dependencies. Including the modeler via a web browser in a Java application is of course possible.
Hi, Thank you for the information. Just a couple of questions.. Do you a have a guide or some tips about how to embed the designer into a java application? What would be the minimum set of modules that we have to carry from the eclipse plugin?
This would mean you'll have to built an Eclipse RCP application. In the RCP application you'll need the dependencies listed in the org.activiti.designer.feature project. But that would probably mean you'll have to develop the Java application with SWT. Or you need to bridge with SWT and the UI technologie of your choice.