Hello Team,This is regarding the Alfresco Share edit page customization.Requirement is I need to display two different edit forms based on attribute value of the custom type.As you know, the application will navigate to the SimpleDialog page after clicking the Edit Metadata link present in the Document Library page. Then, it will be navigated to the Full Metadata Edit page.But, as per requirement, the application has to show Full Metadata Edit page after clicking link present in the Document Library page.For that, I have customized documentlibrary-actions-min.js and got the below error when I tried to modify the URL as "share/page/site/test/customeditpage?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/e9546513-4c72-4a5b-842a-aae1069a1f49"
javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name 'site/test/customeditpage' in servlet with name 'Spring Surf Dispatcher Servlet'
Any help would be highly beneficial for me!!!