07-22-2015 01:41 PM
07-23-2015 02:23 AM
Are there any examples of dynamically creating a CallActivity as a subprocess with a dynamic called element?This feature is planned for activiti 6. To dynamically change process definition of currently running process instance in activiti 5 is not so straight forward, but possible. (I think you do not need dynamic process definition change.)
At task T2 the user will need either start process P2, P3, or maybe one of each.use Inclusive Gateway (examples: org.activiti.examples.bpmn.gateway.InclusiveGatewayTest)
Task T2 should not complete until all of those subprocesses are completed.Check whether inclusive gateway is wait state or not (more info: http://activiti.org/userguide/index.html#bpmnConcurrencyAndTransactions)I have not been able to figure out how to create and execute a CallActivity from the Java API.example:
I do not understand the need, but have a look on org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.CallActivityBehavior#execute implementation.
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