05-10-2022 07:34 PM
Hi Guys,
we have a system which uses solr6 (search services) for our index. The index is currently broken into two shards (shard1 and shard2). There are two search services instances running, with shard1 and shard2 on each instance.
Shard 2 has a range to 140M db ids. This is being approached so I would like to create an additional shard (shard3) on both instances. We chose db_id_range as it states that shards can be added dynamically as needed.
My question is simple, how do we create shard3. (I cannot find any documentation on how to add an extra shard).
Note: for acs 7.1.1 and ASS 2.3
05-11-2022 05:35 AM
Not sure how are your Shards defined.
Just need to add a new server using this instructions:
You can also install that on premise by using the right interval in Solr side configuration files:
05-12-2022 03:50 AM
Hi Angelborrow,
Thanks for your response. My system is setup to use dynamic sharding. I have two existing shards. So if I wanted to create a new shard to dynamically register and start being used for indexing from the last max id of the existing shards (ie 140M) is this the correct way to register the new shard.
http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/cores?action=newCore&storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore&numShards=3 numNodes=2&nodeInstance=1&property.data.dir.root=<SOLR_HOME>/solrhome/workspace-SpacesStore&shardIds=0,1,2
I used this type of call to register 2 dynamci shards when we set up the index, however numShards was set to 2 and shardIds was set to 0,1. ie
http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/cores?action=newCore&storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore&numShards=2 numNodes=2&nodeInstance=1&property.data.dir.root=<SOLR_HOME>/solrhome/workspace-SpacesStore&shardIds=0,1
Note: I understand that I would then update the db_id_range in solrcore.properties once the new shard is created.
When I say dynamic shard I am probably mixiing up the terms, what I am getting at is the ability to create a new shard to add to the existing index shards that will include docs that are indexed when the db_id range is exhaused for shard 1 and 2.
05-25-2022 02:35 AM
Hi Guys,
Can anyone give guidance on this question. The documentation specifically says that you should create your new shards when you need them if using db_id_range. However, I cannot find any meaningful documentation on how to do this. If you need more information please let me know.
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