Resolved! Execute webscript from Rule
I have a WebScript (xml,html and js files)which takes alfresco ID of a file as its parameter and sets some properties. Can this web script be called from "Execute Scripts" of "Manage Rules".
I have a WebScript (xml,html and js files)which takes alfresco ID of a file as its parameter and sets some properties. Can this web script be called from "Execute Scripts" of "Manage Rules".
Hi,- i have installed alfresco-communauty with msi and it works fine.- i added my project-platform-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.amp file in amps repository and my project-share-jar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.amp file in amps_share directory :- i have executed apply_amps in bi...
Hi all,i have implemented a function that exports site data-list informations in a excel file, but i have a problem to retrieve the file.To do this, i've followed the tutorial of KRUTIK JAYSWAL:
Hello everybody,I added a new component as per this tutorial Add content to an Alfresco Share page | Alfresco Documentation and I want to change the scope of the content to be role specific. Let's say only contributors have the content shown in their...
こんにちは。Alfresco Community - 5.2.0をクラウド上のサーバにインストールしました。Microsoft officeを使ったオンライン編集を行うと、常にIDとパスワードの認証が要求されます。この認証を表示しないためにはどうすればよいでしょうか?Hello.I installed Alfresco on the server on the cloud.Online editing using Microsoft Office always requires ID and p...
Hi Alfresco Users!I have many people using our Alfresco Server, both internal and external. All our internal users sync from an AD server.There is one internal user that has had their account for years and has had no problems until now, they have for...
i following this tutorial and it worked but i need some more informations package;import net.sf.acegisecurity.Authentication;import org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException;import
Hi, everyoneI have detected a strange behaviour in CMIS queries using CONTAINS() and wildcards.For example, I have a folder named "Someco" and I want to find it by part of its name using wildcardsELECT * from cmis:folder WHERE CONTAINS('cmis:name:"*S...
I try to update categories on folder using java CMIS api and I had a little surprise:when I set the category I have to provide the alfcmis:nodeRef, but when I browse categories I retrieve cmisbjectId and so in order to update categories I have to cha...
I am new to Mule ESB. We like to use Mule ESB as integration tool for our applications to integrate with vendor site. We have 2 questions. 1) mule ESB is completely open source tool for production. and development environment ? 2) We have went throug...
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