Can we use different logging library in alfresco?
I would like to use logback or at least log4j 2.
I would like to use logback or at least log4j 2.
Hello,we mapped our alfresco AOS share in windows explorer (Windows 10) and have one problem: - A user works on a document and saves his changes- After that he is changing to a web application and uploads the changed file.- in the web application an ...
I putted the source code of activiti-webapp-rest2 into idea ,and tried to run it by tomcat7.The like thisdb=mysqljdbc.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driverjdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://
I had deployed the activiti-rest 6.war in tomcat and run it successful,but i need it`s source code now.Then i tried to find it on github,but activiti-rest.jar only ,not activiti-rest.war.
I want to know if there is a mechanism in Alfresco (share) to prevent some user to access some urls basing on custom config, or can I create a custom authentication level for Spring surf.If there is no manner in Alfresco, have you any suggestion to i...
Hello,I want to create share option in document library, that to for respective folders? So that share option helps me to share documents from one department to other department. Please help me to implement this. Regards,Leela.
Hello!Now march 2018.On download page Download Alfresco Community ECM Now | Alfresco can download 201707GA but see 201711GA and even 201802GA on docs page or Alfresco JIRA. So is it possible to download more fresh release of Alfresco Community Edi...
1: how to refuse approval, back to the last node processing? Do you offer API?Start A I B I C I D I E I End IFor example, when I'm in the C link, I may refuse to approve or go back to a certain link (A, B, C) at C.The official only provided the compl...
Hello,I am testing alfresco AIO SDK 3.0.1 as in the Getting started with Alfresco SDK 3.0 | Alfresco Documentation not working. I am getting the following error:2018-02-28 15:18:45,055 ERROR [solr.tracker.AbstractTracker] [org.alfresco.solr.A...
When a document is opened, I want to accomplish the ajax-request with document text, get response and highlight words in document, which are specified in the response.Is it possible to accomplish through Alfresco API?So I just want to know: is it pos...
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