I am working on alfresco My requirement is , I have an aspect with dropdown values. Say Country. This dropdown values are fetched from a property file.The property file is loading on bootstrap of alfresco. I want to add some additional entries to county list and get it reflected without restarting alfresco.
2. countryList.properties country=Andorra~AD|United Arab Emirates~AE|Afghanistan~AF|Antigua and Barbuda~AG|Anguilla~AI|Albania~AL|Armenia~AM|Netherlands Antilles~AN|Angola~AO|Antarctica~AQ|Argentina~AR|American Samoa~AS|Austria~AT|Australia~AU|Aruba~AW|Azerbaijan~AZ|Bosnia Herzegowina~BA|South Africa~ZA
3. Attaching the screenshot of content with dropdown.
I have added a test value at the end country=Andorra~AD|United Arab Emirates~AE|Afghanistan~AF|Antigua and Barbuda~AG|Anguilla~AI|Albania~AL|Armenia~AM|Netherlands Antilles~AN|Angola~AO|Antarctica~AQ|Argentina~AR|American Samoa~AS|Austria~AT|Australia~AU|Aruba~AW|Azerbaijan~AZ|Bosnia Herzegowina~BA|South Africa~ZA|Test~tst
Unless I restart server, it is not reflecting in the dropdown. Is there any way to dynamically load it ?
One way to achieve that upload that property file in alfresco and read values from that property file.By that way you can always edit it from alfresco and it will be reflected straight away.
I have placed it in Path, Path= ""/app:company_home/cm:countryList"" On startup of alfresco I am trying to search this node ,but search service is not available at that point of time as server is not yet up. It tries to search and get stuck on startup. Any other suggestions for this implementation ?