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Duplicate a user profile

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello everybody

I'm new to Alfresco and i have a simple question, but i think the answer isn't so simple: How do i duplicate a user profile with all rights (Alfresco and Share)?


I have a user John who is member in group A, B  and C:

John (Alfresco) 
|_____  Group A - consumer role in spaces  Ax  , Bx, By
|_____  Group B - contributor role in spaces Mx , Cy
|_____  Group C - editor role in space Px, Dy,

John (Share)  
|______ Site F - Collaborator
|______ Site G - Consumer

Where A, B… are spaces and x,y  subspaces or files (content).

I want to create a user Mary, Ruxi, George etc with same rights as John.
Where i can see what rights had user John (roles, spaces…)?

I search Alfresco forums, but i did find anythingh. If there is a post like this, please, post a link.

Thank you very much and i apologize for my bad english.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You could write some code to query John's permissions and duplicate them for Mary.   However Mary probably should not become the owner of John's documents or, for example, John's home space.     So I suspect that your requirement is not as straightforward as first appears.

Perhaps a better way of working would be to set permissions for your set of  web sites and spaces via groups.    Then its just a case of putting John and Mary in the same group.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you for your respons.

I'll do more search about this.
