I have deployed the 1.2.1 community edition jboss war (with slight modifications for sql server) inside a JSR168 portal (java Everything works appropriately, except for downloading the file. The link will open a new window outside of the portal context with http://localhost/alfresco/download/direct...something.txt however, it immediately redirects to alfresco/faces/jsp/login.jsp and stops. the login page won't even allow me to login at this point. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
:?: It appears to be an issue with the user object getting put into the session inside the portal, but the tomcat sessionFacades are blocking the original session value from being accessed when a new window opens in the outer new alfresco url to download. So authentication is failing.
As a workaround, I added code to the two static methods in the DownloadContentServlet that create URLs for the content. The code puts the ticket on the end of each URL everytime. I suppose then I should make tickets expire. Is there anything potentially problematic with this approach that I'm not seeing?