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dotNET2 example error 'RequestSoapContext'

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

I download the latest release (1.2) and the source code. When I run the dotNET2 example, I am getting error

'Alfresco.ContentWebService.ContentService' does not contain a definition for 'RequestSoapContext'

I am using VS 2005.

Thanks in advance

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I'm afraid I don't see the same problem when running the .NET sample here.

Could you provide some more details about the error:
- Is it a runtime error?
- Does it happen when the sample starts or are you able to login?
- What action do you perform in order to cause the error?
- A stack trace of the exception would be very helpful.

Many thanks,

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Thanks for the quick reply. The error is generated when I built the project not run. It is a mistake from my last post.  I run the web service example against an external Linux box. I replace ?localhost:8080? to the Linux box IP address and port number. When I built the project, it gave me the
'Alfresco.ContentWebService.ContentService' does not contain a definition for 'RequestSoapContext' error

After reading  your reply, I tested the example again by using ssh software putty  to tunnel the localhost:8080 address to the Linux Box. What that means is I don?t have to change anything from the project and it build and run correctly.

That means there is nothing wrong with your sample project. I guess the question now is how I can modify the project to run against an external Linux box.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Yes I'm afraid I didn't get time to externalise the location of the destination Alfresco server that the .NET samples work.  This means at the moment they will only work with localhost:8080 out of the box.

In order to point to a remote Alfresco server you will need to change the endpoint URL of each service object before the web service methods on it.

For example ..

…this.authenticationService.Url = "http://myserver:8080/alfresco/api/AuthenticationService";…‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

A more permanent solution is to create a webServiceFactory class in the Alfresco assembly that acts as a factory for all Alfresco web service instances.  When a service is provided by this factory the endpoint URL is automatically set to a URL provided in an externalised property file.  In this way a .NET Alfresco client can be easily pointed to any remote Alfresco server.  (You'll see what I mean if you look at the Java client web service code as it has a web service factory already).

I'll try and make time to add this, but it might not be for a while.  Alternatively feel free to add this for yourself, we are always grateful for contributions from the community 😉

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