hi everyone I have a couple of questions for you and hopefully you can help me out with them.I have installed alfresco lab 3 in OpenSuse 11.1 , with a mysql database version 5.O.67I have installed joomla with apache2 and php version 5.2.6I also downloaded the Joomla & Alfresco Integration component and I installed it as a Joomla extension with no problems. In Joomla adminisration´s console, specifically in components>Afresco I added Alfresco dataName: Alfresco_test
Server: http://myserverdireccion:8080/alfresco
Share: http://myserverdireccion:8080/share
Username: admin
Password: admin
Published: yes
In menu> main menu i added a new entry and at Internal link >Alfresco>Repository >SpacesIn menu item details I added the information about link´s name.In selected space i choose Alfresco_test which is the name i gave to it, as i show you in the configuration above.Well…so far so good, the problem occurs when i am in joomla and i click the link that i´ve created. Right there the system shows the next text:
Company Home
Name Description
title; ?> Site Collaboration Spaces
title; ?> The guest root space
title; ?> User Homes
title; ?> Web Content Management Spaces
If i place the mouse over title; ?> it swows me the next web addresshttp://myserverdireccion/joomla/<?=$folder->url?>
If i click the link an error shows up saying:404 object not found
Is there any step or configuration that i´ve missed here?Thanks a lot for your help in this case.Best Regards