I do not think that append session ticket is a solution for this problem.Because what I want is that the links that appear in the details of documentlibrary, can be used for example in the blog or forum, or when I get one of these links via email, when I open if I are already logged in Alfresco not have to do login again.The solution I found was, to change these links from "Alfresco-feed" to "Alfresco", as discussed in first post and put the option of basic authentication in proxyServelet, file" web.xml ":
<param-name> authenticator </ param-name>
<param-value> webscripts.authenticator.delegatingbasic </ param-value>
</ init-param>
This seems to work well, when user is authenticated show the file, if user is not authenticated show basic authentication, but I would like to know if someone with more experience can give your opinion, especially in cases where there are other forms of authentication: ldap, etc. ..If this solution look correct, I can open a ticket in Jira, what you thing?