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Deploying Alfresco1.3.0 into Liferay4.0.0

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

As part of the Alfresco 1.3 packages we now supply a bundle containing Alfresco 1.3 pre-configured with Liferay4.0.0+Tomcat. However, if you wish to deploy the plain WAR file yourself (if say you already have Liferay installed) then the instructions are available here:



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
ahah! I noticed that was added to the deploying into Liferay wiki page.  It did get rid of the server error, and alfresco is now in my CMS categories for portlets.  I can load the alfresco portlet and play around with it, but I'm definitely still having problems.

First of all localhost:8080/alfresco/service returns a 404.  According to the documentation, this should list my web scripts. 

Second, to my errors:  I've had this pretty much since I started:
18:33:57,844 ERROR [transform.magick.AbstractImageMagickContentTransformer] ImageMagickContentTransformer not available: Failed to execute command: i
convert "C:\Liferay\ext\servers\tomcat\temp\Alfresco\ImageMagickContentTransformer_init_source_26240.gif"  "C:\Liferay\ext\servers\tomcat\temp\Alfres
log4j:ERROR Failed to rename [alfresco.log] to [alfresco.log.2007-09-17].

Then, after "checking for patches to apply" with a stack trace, i get:
18:34:20,219 ERROR [alfresco.smb.protocol] Error accessing Win32 NetBIOS, check DLL is on the path
18:34:20,844 INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco JVM - v1.5.0_12-b04; maximum heap size 1016.125MB
18:34:20,844 INFO  [service.descriptor.DescriptorService] Alfresco started (Community Network): Current version 1.4.0 (build-105) schema 21 - Installe
d version 1.4.0 (build-105) schema 21

Even though…I downloaded the newest Alfresco (version 2.1?) and deployed, it seems to be starting version 1.4. 

So, my alfresco content portlet is visible in Liferay, but it doesn't seem to be working quite as I expected.

Cricalix, someone did this for me so if you want it, I can host my alfresco.war that I have deployed into Liferay.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
In, step 2.2 says:

Simply, just download alfresco.war (Alfresco 2.0.2 plus LDAP) at /cignex/2

For your own alfresco war file, download portlet.xml, liferay-portlet.xml, and liferay-display.xml from /Cignex/2. Copy these files to alfresco/WEB-INF

Start server if it does not start yet. Deploy war to ../liferay/deploy/

I don't have a directory called "../liferay/deploy/". I do have a directory "temp/liferay/com/liferay/portal/portal/deploy/" and this is my best guess as to where to drop the WAR file.

Could someone tell me where the proper directory to drop the WAR file is?  (I have used the archive at
