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Deleted Company Home

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello All,

I have a big trouble, and i hope anybody can help me.

An admin user in my company deleted the whole Company Home accidentally, and now the alfresco can not start because :"No root found for device: root path: /app:company_home"

Unfortunately we don't have backup, because we are in a started phase of introduction of alfresco.

I search the database, and i saw the company home node was in archive protocol. i updated all 'archive' node to 'workspace'  but it wasnt enough.

Can i resolve this problem anyway?

Thanks for your advices!


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Ferenc,

This will be hard to do as you will have to tamper with several tables in the database at the same time. To restore the company home node, you will have to:
  • Update the child association using the data in the sys:archivedOrigin property of the company_home node. You can get this value and the other properties of the node with this request:
    select * from alf_node_properties where node_id in (select node_id from alf_node_properties where string_value = 'Alfresco');
  • Update the status of the node in the alf_node_status table. You will note that the node_id field is null for the archived nodes… this should be set back.
  • Remove the sys:archived* properties of the node
  • Update the protocol field for the node in alf_node
  • And do the same thing for all the contained nodes…
Beware that tampering with Alfresco database may cause other problems. As I was testing on an HSQLDB database, I couldn't use all the power of joins in updates… which would have been of great help.

I don't know of any other way to restore your company home space… as Alfresco cannot start…


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanx for your reply cbosdonnat!!

I was trying to reset all properties, but succes not attended it. But can restore the companyhome bootstrap with an AMP file. Now Alfresco runing, and i can restore all files with the manage deleted items dialog. It works with a full lucene index recovery.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
can you please tell me "What is this 'manage deleted items dialog'?"
because i also want to recover some of accidentally deletaed spaces..
can you please help me..