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Datetime in Alfresco

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi everyone,

I want to upload a custom property to Alfresco like this:

Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString(Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTENT_MODEL, ArchivoConstants.BIRTHDAY_DATE), my_date);

But this property is a Datetime, not a String, and when I want to obtain this property give me a Java exception when I parse the date.

When I see in Alfresco Node Browser the created or modified dates of the nodes, these have the property type: {}datetime. For example:

Name -> {}created   

Value -> Fri Nov 26 10:10:35 CET 2010

Property Type -> {}datetime   

Value Type ->

But my properties have this Properties:

Name -> {}birthday_date   

Value -> Wed Dec 01 17:46:09 CET 2010
Property Type ->

Value Type -> {}id

What can I do tp upload the property type of datetime with a Java method? Like the createNamedValue or createQNameString.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Well, I found the solution in other thread of the forum…

NamedValue[] properties = new NamedValue[]{
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "textProp"), "some text"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "intProp"), "12"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "longProp"), "1234567890"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "floatProp"), "12.345"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "doubleProp"), "12.345"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "dateProp"), "2005-09-16T00:00:00.000+00:00"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "datetimeProp"), "2005-09-16T17:01:03.456+01:00"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "booleanProp"), "false"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "qnameProp"), "{}testProperties"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "noderefProp"), "workspace://SpacesStore/123123123"),
                    Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.createQNameString("", "textMultiProp"), new String[] {"firstValue", "secondValue", "thirdValue"}),