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DataList creation for dummies?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I need to quickly surmount the learning curve to creating custom Data Lists. While not an expert programmer, the XML files don't seem too daunting. But I have not worked in a Java environment before and many of the tools and terminology are foreign.

I've watched this video a few times and it is quite helpful:

However Eclipse is completely new to me and I'm fighting with the tools rather than getting to the meat of the matter. It appears he has a script he is calling a build file or an "ANT" that does what I'd really like to know how to do manually at this stage, using windows tools I'm already familiar with: simple editors, Filezilla, 7-zip, Putty.

Is there an "entry level" document or video attempting to put Data List development within the reach of the ignorant masses?

Or is there a better approach I should consider, a best of breed scenario coupling something like Zoho Creator with Alfresco Share.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello -

I'm not aware of a data list for dummies video/article but there is an integration between Alfresco and Zoho, and


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
It appears he has a script he is calling a build file or an "ANT" that does what I'd really like to know how to do manually at this stage, using windows tools I'm already familiar with: simple editors, Filezilla, 7-zip, Putty.

Thanks for watching the video–I'm glad it is helpful. The Ant script is doing a few different things, all of which you can do on your own with your own tools if you want:

package-amp: This task simply creates an Alfresco Module Package (AMP) file, which you can learn more about on this Alfresco wiki page: In short, an AMP is just a ZIP that follows a certain folder structure and includes a couple of AMP-specific properties files. An AMP lends itself to being dropped in to an Alfresco WAR. You can skip the AMP altogether and just extend Alfresco using files placed in the extension directory if you would rather do that.

install-amp: This task uses Alfresco's Module Management Tool (MMT) to merge the AMP with the Alfresco WAR. Again, if you'd rather not use an AMP, you would probably just unzip your extension files into the exploded web application directory ($TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/alfresco).

deploy-amp: This task deploys the AMP'd WAR file.

package-share-jar: This task creates a JAR file that can be deployed to the Alfresco Share web application. You could do this on your own by copying your own web-extension directory into the exploded Alfresco Share web application.

deploy-share-jar: This task copies the JAR into the Alfresco Share web application's lib directory.

All of this assumes you already have something ready to package and deploy. If you are struggling with that part, I'd highly recommend looking at the Custom Content Model tutorial on (, or, shameless plug, purchase the Alfresco Developer Guide.

Hope that helps,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
purchase the Alfresco Developer Guide.

Hope that helps,


I can confirm. Great book Smiley Wink

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
purchase the Alfresco Developer Guide.
Hope that helps,
I can confirm. Great book Smiley Wink

when will the 3.X version of the guide come out ?