04-28-2018 03:43 AM
I do something wrong when I try to create custom datalist.
I attached model, conext and property files.
Model file eventDataList.xml was put in \tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension\model\
Conext file eventDataList-context.xml was put in \tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension\messages\
Property file eventDataList.properties was put in \tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension\
I add code from config.xml at the end of share-config-custom.xml
Then I restart service alfresco. But I don't see eny new model in datalist creation window at site or in model manager.
Can you please verify it. Please let me know what mistakes I made.
04-28-2018 02:28 PM
Your context file goes in alfresco/extension. Your properties file goes in alfresco/extension/messages. You've got them reversed.
05-03-2018 03:00 AM
Put context file in /alfresco/extension\ and properties file in alfresco/extension/messages.
But now after restart I am getting the error and I am not able to login.
05-11-2018 05:30 PM
What error are you getting? Is there something in the log file that is helpful?
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