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Dashboard problem

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi guys! Some of my users get an error opening Home page, it just says A server error has occured and looks like Alfresco in not running at all, but it does and very same users can brouse the rest of the site with no problem, only Home page is unavailable. The log shows entries like this "Could not resolve view with name 'user/uname/dashboard' in servlet with name 'Spring Surf Dispatcher Servlet'". The problem is not permanent, it comes and goes and I can't figure out what it depends on. The version we are running is 5.0.d.
Any thoughts?

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

this problem can occur when the user's homepage configuration somehow got corrupted or wasn't properly initialized in the first place. E.g. if at some point the template for user dashboard configuration was faulty and used to initialize, or an update (due to configuration of a dashlet) went wrong.

Just below the "Sites" folder there is an (invisible) folder called surf-config that contains user dashboard configuration in the sub-structures /components and /pages/user/…
Typically, deleting all the configuration relating to an affected user and having them login in Share again (after clearing caches in Share) re-creates the dashboard configuration and fixes such issues. Since the entire structure is not visible in any of the default views, this is a task I use the Node Browser and JavaScript console for.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Sorry for late reply. I checket the places you've mentioned /components and /pages/user/ and the affected users were not there. So I'm stuck here.((

Hi sorry for reopen this discussion the hidden folder "surf-config" under the "Sites" folder you point out, can you give me more details on  how can i reach that on the machine? i can't find anywhere.

And can i ask if you know some documentation for make the steps to retrieve the user homepage configurarion of the dashboard and update or reset the user homepage configuration for make the user login again?


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

There is no documentation for this because this is very technical, internal functionality that no one should typically touch.

To access the structure, the best way is by using the Node Browser tool in the Admin Tools menu of Share.

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator
Ok - the users not having any configuration in those folders can explain the issue, but something like this shouldn't normally happen. Did you apply some changes to how Share redirects after successfull login? Normally, the redirection in standard Share ensures that those missing configuration files are created before the user dashboard is loaded. But if the redirection has been altered, the code may not have been triggered.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
No, I didn't change how share redirects after login. I attached my ang share-config.custom just in case I missed something, but the very same configuration seemed to work before so I guess it should be fine.
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