06-24-2009 08:06 AM
06-24-2009 09:29 AM
06-24-2009 10:26 AM
06-24-2009 11:31 AM
<!– The period for which tickets are valid in XML duration format. –>
<!– The default is P1H for one hour. –>
<property name="validDuration">
<!– Do tickets expire or live for ever? –>
<property name="ticketsExpire">
<!– Are tickets only valid for a single use? –>
<property name="oneOff">
<!– If ticketsEpire is true then how they should expire –>
<!– The default is AFTER_FIXED_TIME –>
<property name="expiryMode">
06-25-2009 02:13 AM
07-21-2009 08:07 AM
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