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Cyrillic and mixed file names / property informaiton

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I made some tests with the Enterprise version 3.0 and the Community version 3.2 if it is possible to work with Cyrillic or mixed English / Cyrillic filenames or properies. The result is that when you add a file with cyrillic characters in the name or try to rename a file from CIFS then the Cyrillic characters are replaced by "????…". The file can then not deleted or renamed from CIFS, can not deleted from the ALF Explorer. You have to rename it first by the ALF Explorer and then you can work with this file again. The same happens when you do this from the Alfresco Explorer. This happens with the filename and also when you try to add or edit properties with such Cyrillic characters. After save they are replaced by "?????…."

When we use Cyrillic or mixed characters with a local drive on windows XP or with a samba share we do not have a problem - the file name is correct displayed and all Cyrillic characters are displayed and not replaced.

So it seems that Alfresco is not able to handle Cyrillic characters or mixed characters. But when we add a PDF document which also contains Cyrillic or mixed text the text information is correct extracted - correct displayed in the ALF Explorer preview of the extracted text and the search engine is also able to search and to find the Cyrillic texts and strings. So this part of Alfresco seems to be able to work with Cyrillic characters and text information.

My questions:

- does someone uses Alfresco together with Cyrillic or mixed filenames (CIFS) or document properties which contains Cyrillic characters?
- Is there any setting or configuration for the Alfresco installation / Explorer to configure that Cyrillic characters are supported alone or mixed with other languages characters ?
- can it be possible that the used SQL database (we tested MySQL) or the configuration of the SQL datebase is the problem why Cyrillic characters are not accepted or converted to "????…"

Thank you for help

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I had one problem with query mark in filename.

Now I try to repeat your test:
Via CIFS add file with cyrillic name, then rename it (via windows explorer) to some mixed cyrillic-latin name.
After this I renamed file via ALF Explorer to mixed cyrillic-latin name.
On all steps filename diplayed correctly via ALF Explorer and WINDOWS Explorer

So i could not playback your problem on my system.
Try add font to your java machine, may be it help…

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, thank you - this idea with the font can maybe solve the problem - we will try it - because there are a large number of different Cyrillic fonts or font packs - do you have the info which font (name / donwload link) we should install or which do you have installed on your machine ?

Thank you for your help and answer

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I installed BASE fonts from
Click on "Good fonts for Linux" link.

Good luck

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi. Got the same problem (???? instead of cyrillic symbols in file names). Just put this in my.cnf file:


Restarted mysql and everything works for me.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

- this is the solution - now it works and the Cyrillic characters are correct displayed in the Alfresco explorer, in the CIFS and WebDAV drive - for filenames/folders and also for the metadata.

Thank you very much !!!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Finally my isuue is solved. now the system works fine and the Cyrillic characters are correct displayed in the Alfresco explorer!!! Thanks a lot!!buy cialis online
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