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customization availability per site

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all
I want to know if it is possible to make a customization available only to some sites?

I mean
let's suppose i have a share installation with 2 sites: a,b and c
i develop a custom model, custom forms for editing content and for advanced search, but i want to make this available on share sites a  and b not on share site c.

Is multi tenancy the only answer to this?

I'm a little bit scared about multitenancy since all examples and code about customization is shown against a single tenant installation so i'm not aware of the limitations and problems I'll face with multi tenancy environment. I have to say that my customizazion will be limited to custom models, custom forms,custom webscripts to interface an external application for download upload documents (no custom dashlets)

Can someone give me an advice?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I had an answer fro jeff potts from his blog
I share this hoping will help someone else

No, unfortunately there is not a way to do site-specific user interface customizations. I believe Alfresco is working on site-specific themes for Share but that probably isn’t the entire answer either.

You could have three different web apps. Each of the web apps would run Share and only the customizations specific to a certain site. Of course, if you do this, all three sites are available on all three Share instances so it isn’t a perfect solution.

Now, if you want to have a content model that is specific to a certain tenant, that is where multi-tenancy would work. I’m not sure how Share deals with multiple tenants. I assume you’d have one Share web app instance for each tenant.


the link is this :