I would like to make my own versioning service. Here, in official documentation http://docs.alfresco.com/4.2/concepts/serv-using-about.html I can't find any practical info about it. I understand that I should make a descendant of VersionServiceImpl class implementing VersionService and Version2Model interfaces, and then correctly configure spring-context.
But I have a bunch of questions: 1. Which maven-archetype should I use (amp or all-in-one)? 2. If it's an amp-archetype how should I configure core-service-context.xml? 3. If it's an all-in-one-archetype where MyVersionServiceImpl should be? In which project, in which namespace?
ANS1:It should be amp-archtype unless you are customizing anything on alfresco share side. ANS2:you can configure all your services under service-context.xml file generated within AMP.