11-16-2016 09:53 AM
We have recently created a custom model in alfresco: downloaded the 2.2.1 archetype and edited content-model.xml.
It took as some time to discover that
<model name="pr:contentModel" xmlns="http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0">
Apologies, is these are not true, or/and documented somewhere.
One question is what alfresco classes parses the models in repository tier, and the alfresco-config in the share tier, so by reading the code we could correct further mistakes.
Meanwhile, in share, there are some configurations with properties like 'evaluator' and 'condition'
e.g. <config evaluator="node-type" condition="cm:content"> ...</config>
<config evaluator="aspect" condition="pr:myAspectName">...</config>
and further properties
Where could we learn more about their usage?
Thanks in advance
11-16-2016 11:35 AM
There is no explicit code that disallows the underscore as a prefix. But functionality related to the Forms engine will encode the colon of a qualified name as an underscore when transporting it over the wire, as well as decode the first underscore as a colon. This causes issues when you consciously chose to use an underscore in the prefix. This can be seen in places such as QNameFieldProcessor or ContentModelFormProcessor.
I am unaware of any functionality that would interfere with naming a model xy:contentModel. I often use a name as simple as that. Or do you mean the name only be "contentModel" without a prefix? That would be invalid as name is typically required to be a qualified name (QName) - this is the same with name of properties, aspects and types.
11-18-2016 08:14 AM
Thank you for your reply. The suggested classed were helpful.
As far as the name, i meant it with the use of a prefix, e.g. pr:contentModel did not work, wheres pr:myNameModel worked.
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