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Custom model : metadata by doc type in search

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

i developped 3 custom model which each contain about 10 metadatas and in my search i have a combo-box with my doc type and i want that when i choose my doc type, it display associated medatadas.

I provide you my models :

model 1
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        <!– Definition of new Model –>
        <model name="facture:facturemodel" xmlns="">
          <!– Optional meta-data about the model –>  
          <description>Modele de documents facture</description>
          <author>M. Meignen</author>
          <!– Imports are required to allow references to definitions in other models –>  
            <!– Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions –>
            <import uri="" prefix="d"/>
            <!– Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions –>
            <import uri="" prefix="cm"/>
          <!– Introduction of new namespaces defined by this model –>
          <!– NOTE: The following namespace should be changed to reflect your own namespace –>
            <namespace uri="" prefix="facture"/>
            <!– Definition of new Content Type: Documents Facture Type 1 –>
            <type name="facture:TypeFacture">
             <property name="facture:Societe">
             <property name="facture:Numero de facture">
             <property name="facture:Type de facture">
             <property name="facture:Date de facture">
             <property name="facture:Numero de folio">
             <property name="facture:Numero de siren">
             <property name="facture:Numero de TVA">
             <property name="facture:Numero de commande">
             <property name="facture:Montant TTC">
             <property name="facture:Date de creation">
             <property name="facture:Nom fournisseur">

model 2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!– Definition of new Model –>
    <model name="rh:rhmodel" xmlns="">
      <!– Optional meta-data about the model –>  
      <description>Modele de documents RH</description>
      <author>Y. LAURENT</author>
      <!– Imports are required to allow references to definitions in other models –>  
        <!– Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions –>
        <import uri="" prefix="d"/>
        <!– Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions –>
        <import uri="" prefix="cm"/>
      <!– Introduction of new namespaces defined by this model –>
      <!– NOTE: The following namespace should be changed to reflect your own namespace –>
        <namespace uri="" prefix="rh"/>
        <!– Definition of new Content Type: Documents SOS Type 1 –>
        <type name="rh:TypeRH">
            <property name="rh:Dkey">
         <property name="rh:Periode">
         <property name="rh:Matricule">
         <property name="rh:Societe">
         <property name="rh:Etablissement">
         <property name="rh:Uo">
         <property name="rh:Typedoc">
         <property name="rh:Id_lot">
         <property name="rh:Credate">
         <property name="rh:Enregactif">

web-client-config-custom.xml :

       <!– Example of overriding the from email address –>

       <!– Example of adding languages to the list in the login page –>

       <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Languages">
             <language locale="fr_FR">French</language>


          <!– Configuration de l interface entree doc  –>
          <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Content Wizards">
              <type name="rh:TypeRH" />
            <type name="societe:TypeSociete" />
            <type name="facture:TypeFacture" />
          <!– On rend visible les proprietes –>
          <config evaluator="node-type" condition="rh:TypeRH">
              <show-property name="rh:Dkey" />
              <show-property name="rh:Periode" />
            <show-property name="rh:Matricule" />
            <show-property name="rh:Societe" />
            <show-property name="rh:Etablissement" />
            <show-property name="rh:Uo" />
            <show-property name="rh:Typedoc" />
            <show-property name="rh:Id_lot" />
            <show-property name="rh:Credate" />
            <show-property name="rh:Enregactif" />

          <config evaluator="node-type" condition="societe:TypeSociete">
              <show-property name="societe:Dkey" />
              <show-property name="societe:Periode" />
            <show-property name="societe:Societe" />
            <show-property name="societe:Typedoc" />
            <show-property name="societe:Id_lot" />
            <show-property name="societe:Credate" />
            <show-property name="societe:Enregactif" />
         <config evaluator="node-type" condition="facture:TypeFacture">
              <show-property name="facture:Societe" />
              <show-property name="facture:Numero de facture" />
            <show-property name="facture:Type de facture" />
            <show-property name="facture:Date de facture" />
            <show-property name="facture:Numero de folio" />
            <show-property name="facture:Numero de siren" />
            <show-property name="facture:Numero de TVA" />
            <show-property name="facture:Numero de commande" />
            <show-property name="facture:Montant TTC" />
            <show-property name="facture:Date de creation" />
            <show-property name="facture:Nom fournisseur" />

        <!– Rends actif les type dans le wizard "specialise le type –>  
          <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Action Wizards">
             <type name="rh:TypeRH"/>
             <type name="societe:TypeSociete"/>
             <type name="facture:TypeFacture" />

             <!– Example of configuring advanced search –>

             <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Advanced Search" replace="true">
                   <type name="rh:TypeRH"/>
                   <type name="societe:TypeSociete"/>
                   <type name="facture:TypeFacture" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Dkey"/>
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Periode" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Matricule" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Societe" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Etablissement" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Uo" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Typedoc" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Id_lot" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Credate" />
                    <meta-data type="rh:TypeRH" property="rh:Enregactif" />
                    <meta-data type="facture:TypeFacture" property="facture:Societe"/>
                    <meta-data type="facture:TypeFacture" property="facture:Numero de facture"/>
                    <meta-data type="facture:TypeFacture" property="facture:Type de facture"/>

I hope that someone can help me, it will be clearer than display all my metadatas.

Thanks in advance.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
i up my post just to know if someone has an idea how to do what i ask or has an idea of another configuration?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello yanock,

Do you already know how to implement this feature?
It would be extremely helpfull to me either…

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