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Custom metadata, deleting/recreating RM Site

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
This is my first posting in the forum.  I am not really a programmer, so I apologize in advance for any terminology errors, etc.

I was able to successfully install Alfresco 3.2 on my desktop and create an RM site in Alfresco Share.  In fact, other basic operations (creating record series, records folders, loading records in folders, etc.) also (more or less) worked well.  In the next cycle of quick testing I used Records Management Console to define custom metadata for record series and folders. 

Unfortunately this led to the following error when tyring to update metadata from within RM site:
org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceException: Namespace prefix rmc_Record_Series_MSU_Alt is not mapped to a namespace URI
My custom metadata included space.  Could this have led to the error?  I also removed space from custom metadata name and tried again, but the error still remained.  Looks like this bug/error has been already reported in Alfresco forum.  Let me know if there is any solution suggested for this error.

Next I deleted the RM site, removed RM Dashlet, reinserted RM Dashlet, and recreated the RM site hoping to begin again with default metadata and continue testing of other features.  This however, led to the following error when trying to access Records Management console: 
Access Denied - additional permissions are required to access this component. 
When trying to access RM site, the following error occured:
10040007 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 10040006 Failed to execute script '/org/alfresco/slingshot/documentlibrary/dod5015-doclist.get.js (in classpath store file:C:/Alfresco/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts)': 10040005 Access Denied. You do not have the appropriate permissions to perform this operation.

These messages are dislayed while logged in Share using the same user id that was used when creating the site.  The user id is also included in the Share user group Records Management Administrators.  So what could be wrong and how to resolve the problem?

User groups managed through Alfresco Explorer Administration Console are different from those managed through Share Admin Console.  Correct?

Thansk in advance for your help.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
for #2 in your query, please refer "Records Management Console" topic in the below link in Records Management forum,