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Custom form for custom workflow

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi all,
I have a custom Activiti workflow based on 2 step approvation (by two different users).
I need to have the main form of the workflow that allows users to choice two usernames (in two different graphic control).
Is this possible?

I tried to customize the share-config-custom.xml but with no success!!  :cry:

Can someone help me?


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
well I think you will require more than that.
Just choosing two user will not work as I guess It will be using the one assignee variable.
So, you need to  have two different assignees in your model and process def then you can show them on the UI.
Also post the detail how you have tried in share-config-custom.xml.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
well I think you will require more than that.So, you need to  have two different assignees in your model and process def then you can show them on the UI.

How can i define this two variables?
You write that I have to add it in my custom content model..but I don't understand how to add them..
It's my first workflow customization that requires also new variable..