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Cron job for auditing

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I was wondering if there is a way to initiate a way for alfresco to run the audit based on maybe a cron job. I can't find any documentation that shows how to do that.

From what I am finding is that the only way for the file will only pull data from alfresco AFTER it has been audited. Which I want to be able to run both for x amount of times a day. Anyone know how to do that?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Hi ESWBitto,

The Alfresco audit data are stored in the Alfresco database in real time, so you don't need to run a job or something else.
You can retrieve the audit data using a REST service (suggested) or a direct enquiry to the database (discouraged).

On the AAAR side, the AAAR_Extract script extracts all the audit data from the last extraction until the day before.
Why the day before?
Because usually the analytics needs in most part of the cases are not "real time" analytics (useful in finance or other very specific services).
If you need real time analytics probably the solution should be different… but we should have to dive deep in the needs.

I hope this will help you.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hello fcorti,

I guess I can live without the real time analytics, but the main reason why I was hoping to have it is so that I could find who was currently working in Alfresco (in case I have to restart a service). Thank you for the information. Smiley Happy

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
For the needs you have, I suggest you to monitor your Alfresco installation with Nagios, Zabbix o something similar (using the JMX you can do it).
I suppose you want to know if someone is using the service, and not who is using it. 😉