12-09-2016 10:23 AM
Hi I am creating a site here, but this sometimes works and sometimes not working.
try {
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
String loginData = "username=admin&password=admin";
PostMethod loginPost = new PostMethod(
loginPost.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(loginData,
"text/plain", "UTF-8"));
System.out.println("dologin script status: "
+ client.executeMethod(loginPost));
GetMethod authenticationGet = new GetMethod(
System.out.println("User is authenticated script status : "
+ client.executeMethod(authenticationGet));
PostMethod createSitePost = new PostMethod(
String shortName = "TestSiteFromCodeONeTwo";
JSONObject siteObject = new JSONObject();
siteObject.put("shortName", shortName);
siteObject.put("description", shortName);
siteObject.put("title", shortName);
siteObject.put("Visiblity", "Public");
siteObject.put("sitePreset", "site-dashboard");
createSitePost.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(siteObject
.toString(), "application/json", "UTF-8"));
createSitePost.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
// createSitePost.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
int status = client.executeMethod(createSitePost);
System.out.println("create a site script status :: " + status);
getting error
create a site script status :: 400
12-09-2016 11:02 AM
There should be more information in the response indicating why it failed. A 400 response code suggests that there was something wrong with your request - what is the response message? Is it possible that you're trying to create a site using a shortName attribute that has already been used?
12-09-2016 11:05 AM
create a site script status :: 400{
"status" :
"code" : 400,
"name" : "Bad Request",
"description" : "Request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect."
"message" : "error.unableToCreate",
"exception" : "",
"callstack" :
"server" : "Spring WebScripts - v6.5.0 schema 1,000",
"time" : "Dec 9, 2016 9:34:15 PM"
12-09-2016 11:32 AM
What are the actual values that you're submitting when you make that request? Is it possible that you're submitting invalid characters, etc? For example there are a number of characters that can't be used for the shortName attribute.
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