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Created simple Workflow in Activiti Explorer

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi ,

I have created simple Workflow  in Activiti Explorer and deployed in Alfresco commnity.It has three input fields and it is showing fine in Actviti-Explorer, meaning as soon as as I say start process,it is showing the form with three input fileds.

But in case of alfresco commnity form is not showing,Can you please advice on this.

I have attached the activiti definition.


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

The workflow development for Alfresco involves some more steps and files that are needed. Only the process definition wont work at all.

You should read Jeff's tutorial on the topic, as it will guide you through all the process.

Creating Custom Advanced Workflows in Alfresco | ECMArchitect | Alfresco Developer Tutorials 

Once you read that, you can come back and the specific questions you might have.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hi Ravi
You need to following,
1. Define workflow model with types
2. Configure share-config-custom to create form presentation.
3. Use workflow model type as form key in process file.

Hope this would help.